The Essence

A circle has no beginning, no ending, no sharp corners, no way to determine where the line ends, and another begins. For this reason, the circle represents the completion of one growth phase and the beginning of the next. In real life, we are constantly changing, and the growth journey is often non-linear. Setbacks and success line the path and sometimes happen all at once.

The Greek letter Kappa is represented by vertical and diagonal strokes as seen on the bottom left half of the circle.  The Kappa signifies the catalyst often needed to spark change.

​​​​​​Together, these symbols embody the natural, never-ending progression of development.

We recognize how difficult that journey can be. Our compassionate coaches serve as a catalyst to spark growth and guide you towards further professional and personal development.
KAVEO’s mission is to make the world a better place, one leader at a time. Why? Because leadership is more than being a good boss or employee, it’s about learning how you impact your world and those in it. When we learn how to be ourselves, we learn how to be the change the world needs. 

Real world experience
backed by modern science.
Contact us and start your journey.